
Renovated public health center opened in Napadeni


A renovated public health center has been inaugurated in Napadeni village of Ungheni district. The repair works lasted for 10 months and were carried out within the Health Services and Social Assistance Project, with financial support from the World Bank, IPN reports.

Attending the event, Minister of Health Andrei Usatyi said a priority of the current Government is to continue the reform initiated by the Filat Government in 2010, within which 78 medical centers in rural areas are to be repaired. The public health center in Napadeni is one of them and its outfitting with modern equipment will contribute to enhanced medical services in the village.

The center’s head Nicolae Silion said that from today the medical staff will work in the conditions they have long awaited. The center’s services will be used by the locals and by residents of the neighboring villages.

Lilia Scurtu, director of the Ungheni family doctors center, said the inhabitants of Napadeni saw a dream come true. “Health is the greatest treasure. The renovated center will provide only services of a high quality,” she stated.

Ungheni district head Iurie Toma said the former building of the local hospital was unable to cope with the large number of patients. After the renovation, things changed. “I would like the public health center in Napadeni to be visited by healthy people who would want to obtain information about how to lead a healthy life,” he said.

The renovation of the building cost 2.4 million lei.