
Rehabilitation works on Renașterii Naționale Blvd and Calea Ieșilor St


Works to reconstruct the road and pedestrian infrastructure are being executed on Renașterii Naționale Blvd in Chisinau, up to the Central Typography, including on a section of Tudor Vladimirescu St up to the intersection with Kiev St that will be repaired later, IPN reports.

The Chisinau City Hall said that works to repair the pedestrian infrastructure were also initiated on 2 Calea Ieșilor St in Buiucani district. Later, there will be reconstructed the sidewalk from “Alunelul” Park towards the exit from the city.

Last year, there was repaired the section from the entrance to “Alunelul” Park, at the intersection with Ion Creangă St. The sidewalk was paved, while the kiosks and billboards were removed.