
Rehabilitation Center for children with severe handicap of the locomotion system opens in Chisinau


The Sanatorium "Legkovik" of the capital will be re-profiled into a rehabilitation Center for children with severe handicap of the locomotion system. The Government decided on Wednesday to transmit its buildings to the Ministry of Health and Social Protection. According to the minister of Health and Social Protection, Ion Ababii, the future center will allow to enlarge the filed of rehabilitation activities and the number of children benefiting of specialized medical assistance. The Rehabilitation center for children with severe handicap of locomotion system will be unique of this kind in Moldova. According to the minister, the opening will be possible due to financial assistance of certain international organisms. In light of statistic data, the rate of the diseases of the nervous system in Moldova is 21.3% or 3.9 per 1,000 children. About 60% of the diseases of the nervous system are the infantile cerebral paralyses. On 1 January 2006, in RM there were recorded 1,633 children under 16 suffering of this disease, who have an invalidity degree.