
Registration of families on compensatii.gov.md to start next week


The authorities plan next week to start the registration of families on the platform compensatii.gov.md for classifying them into a vulnerability category and offering them subsidies for electricity and heat. There will be four energy vulnerability categories – very high, high, medium and low vulnerability. The size of the subsidy will be decided in November, after the number of households and their classification will be clearer, said Minister of Labor and Social Protection Marcel Spatari.

The information system is at the final trial stage but it cannot become functional in the absence of the legal framework. “The households will have a month and a half to register as subsidies will be provided for the cold period of the year, as last year. The cold period includes November, December, January, February and March,” the minister explained in a TV program on TV8 channel.

The vulnerability categories will be determined and in November the Government will come with an effective subsidization mechanism that will be similar to last year’s one as subsidies will be provided directly through bills.

The registration of families will take place once a year and the applicants in the form will indicate data about the family members (IDNP), the code of the electricity, gas or heat meter and their incomes, which will be later compared with the information available in state databases. “We know that the revenues from many economic activities are not declared regularly. Therefore, we bank on the honesty of citizens. There will also be selective verification procedures for cases involving risk or abuse indicators. We have the Social Inspectorate that can determine if a family abuses the system,” stated Marcel Spatari.

He also said that this year the subsidies will be provided in a targeted way and will be larger for the more vulnerable families. However, the largest part of the population will receive subsidies.

The energy vulnerability categories will be based on energy consumption accounting for over 90% of the family’s incomes after this covers the main costs for food and hygiene products to 10%-20% of the incomes. “On November 25, the system will start to do the calculations. It will probably take a day or two as the volume of information is large and the system will then generate a decision for each household,” noted the minister.