
Refurbished national roadways to have segments avoiding difficult sectors of landscape


In the case of Anenii-Noi – Causeni roadway, the experts plead for the construction of three segments which would avoid the dangerous road sectors, with difficult landscape. PM Vasile Tarlev paid a working visit to the building sites of several road segments on the roadway Anenii-Noi – Causeni – Setfan-Voda, where he discussed the possibility of avoiding the villages Troita-Noa, Grigorievca and Causeni town. By avoiding these settlements it will be possible to diminish the road accidents and to solve the problem of the residents, who are affected by the heavy transport. The PM asked to perform more detailed estimations and calculations in this respect, on the ground of which, construction projects of the aforementioned segments will be worked out. Besides the dangerous curves, it is planned to avoid the agricultural lands with high exploitation rate. Vasile Tarlev was informed about the activities related to the refurbishment of the road segment Stefan-Voda – Palanca, which leads to the borders with Ukraine. He mentioned about the necessity of establishing a rigorous laboratory control of the quality of construction materials and of strictly respecting the European quality norms and standards in the field. Other roadways, such as Chisinau-Leuseni, Chisinau-Comrat, Orhei-Rezina and Orhei-Singera are planned to be refurbished this year.