
Referendum on European integration cannot be held simultaneously with legislative elections, MPs


The initiative to hold a referendum on the enshrining of “the European integration” in the Constitution the same day as the parliamentary elections, which was proposed by Speaker of Parliament Andrian Candu, cannot be implemented as the legislation does not allow for this. The issue was developed in the talk show “Politics of Natalia Morari” on TV8 channel, IPN reports.

Liberal MP Lilian Carp said the law clearly provides that a referendum cannot be held 60 days before the parliamentary elections and 60 days after them and on the same day. Even if a plebiscite is held, this will have the fate of the recent Romania referendum on the family that failed. “This referendum will be measured by the rating of the party that promotes the bill,” he stated.

Vice president of the Liberal Democratic Party Ion Terguță noted the initiative to hold a referendum is absolutely useless as Moldova is close to parliamentary elections and the political parties here struggle against each other based on electoral programs, with their foreign policy component. “The European integration is not belles-letters. It is a continuous difficult process that involves a lot of work and observance of all the provisions of the Association Agreement,” he said.

Socialist MP Grigore Novac made reference to a Constitutional Court judgment saying a referendum can be held at least six months after the relevant initiative is fielded.

Valeriu Giletski, the leader of the Parliamentary European People’s Group, said the holding of a referendum on the election day is the wisest step as not much money will be spent and the minimum voter turnout will be ensured. “It is a democratic exercise. As long as the freedom to vote is ensured, I see no problem in holding it simultaneously with the elections,” he stated.