
Recent rains humidified the soil from 15 cm down to 70 cm deep


Last week’s rains were a saving boat for the Moldovan agriculture seriously affected by drought, considers Serafim Andries, correspondent member of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, director of the Institute of Soil Science and Agro-chemistry Nicolai Dimo. Andries told Info-Prim Neo it’s still early to make conclusions, but we can hope for 5% higher level of harvest than estimated previously for late crops such as sunflower and corn. The rains were also benefic for the field crops, fruits and grapes. There will also be lucerne for mowing. “In a week we will start sowing rape, and in 20 days the wheat for next year’s harvest. The precipitations will help us process the soil efficiently”, Serafim Andries said. According to the cited source, the previous research indicated a lack of humidity on a depth of 1.5 meter. The recent rains have humidified the soil from 15 cm down to 70 cm, depending on areas. It rained most in Cahul. The State Hydro-meteorological Service continues forecasting unstable weather. For Monday, August 13, rain showers are expected on most of the country’s territory; in some areas even heavy rains and hail.