
Recent anti-discrimination amendments are 'an unacceptable compromise'


The latest amendments to the so-called Anti-discrimination Bill represent “an unacceptable compromise” in the opinion of the Non-discrimination Coalition, Info-Prim Neo reports. The Coalition denounced in a press statement the twist in the developments leading to the adoption of the recent amendments. “After long discussions and negotiations with the participation of civil society lately, a proper version of the Anti-discrimination Bill was developed, and it was expected that it would be considered and adopted by the Moldovan Parliament in the near future. However, in the past 24 hours things developed unexpectedly and in a non-transparent manner and the bill was amended essentially, with the most significant changes being the modification of its name to the 'Equality of Opportunities Bill' and the elimination of sexual orientation, health, property and social origin from the list of protected grounds”. “We believe that the Anti-discrimination Bill in the current version will prove ineffective and inadequate in guaranteeing respect for human rights and providing protection from discrimination. The elimination of any of the listed grounds inevitably leads to the absurd situation of having a law which, in fact, allows the discrimination against a number of socials groups that will continue to remain unprotected”, reads the statement. The Coalition has urged the authorities to restore the previous version of the bill to ensure the adoption of a comprehensive law that can provide benefits to the entire Moldovan society. Also, public consultations with civil society are sought before the bill is submitted to Parliament for consideration.