
Reanimatologist convicted for surgery postponement that led to patient’s death


A reanimatologist from the Balti Psychiatric Hospital was given a suspended sentence after ordering the postponement of the surgery scheduled for the next day and the patient died as a result. The first court acquitted him, but prosecutors challenged the sentence and the Court of Appeals sentenced him to one year in jail, banning him from holding posts and exercising activities in the healthcare sector for a period of two years. The sentence was yet suspended for a year, IPN reports.

According to the Prosecutor General’s Office, the case took place in September 2019. The reanimatologist was on duty in the Intensive Care and Resuscitation Unit of the hospital. He violated the rules for providing medical assistance to a patient who had been undergoing treatment in that unit since August 18, 2019. More specifically, following the radiological examination of the patient, fractures that required urgent surgery were detected. But the doctor ordered the necessary surgery to be postponed until the next morning. As a result, the person died.

The Court of Appeals’ judgement is final and enforceable, but can be appealed to the Supreme Court of Justice within two months.