
Real interest is needed for resolving Transnistrian dispute, Carpov


The conflict can be definitively solved if the participants in the talks show real interest and make everything possible to bring this process to a logical end that can be only the country’s reintegration and the creation of a viable and stable state, Deputy Prime Minister for Reintegration Eugen Carpov said in an interview for IPN.

According to Eugen Carpov, any plan or any project that does not have such a goal only delays this process. Even if there are different viewpoints about the settlement of the conflict, the goal of the talks in the 5+2 format is to find a viable solution to the conflict, based on the international principles and standards, which clearly stipulate that the solution should respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Moldova, by identifying a special legal status for the Transnistrian region. “The form of the future status of the region will be the final product of the talks. Unfortunately, there is no openness now in Tiraspol to discuss this subject,” said the official.

As regards the steps backward, Eugen Carpov mentioned the stagnation of the dialogue on the future status of the Transnistrian region within the Republic of Moldova. “Currently, the discussions focus on the solving of narrow problems, without a significant impact on the general process,” he stated.

The Deputy Prime Minister for Reintegration said the last few years saw significant developments. After a hiatus of about six years, there were resumed the talks in the “5+2” format. The working groups stepped up their activity. There were restored the railway routes through the region. An enormous quantity of radioactive substances was evacuated from the left bank of the Nistru.

At the same time, the Government of Moldova for the third year in a row has supported the infrastructure projects in the Security Zone, which are aimed at improving the living conditions for those who suffered as a result of the conflict. Moreover, starting with this year, the allocations from the state budget have increased by 50%, totaling 15 million lei.