
Reaction of Shor Party’s MPs to decision to allow them to attend today’s sitting on condition


The parliamentary group of the Shor Party condemns the decision to allow the party’s MPs to enter the Parliament Building only if they present the negative test for COVID-19. The decision was taken by the legislature’s administration not long ago after it became known that two members of the Shor group got infected. The MPs describe the decision as evident abuse with a political undertone taken with the aim of preventing the removal of the Government, IPN reports.

In a press release, the party announces its intention to take part in today’s sitting of Parliament where the motion of no confidence against the Chicu Government is to be examined. The MPs of the Shor Party say they are ready to comply with all the medical requirements so as to prevent the spread of the virus. As a compromise solution, the group suggests holding the sitting online.

The Shor Party recommends the Parliament’s administration to also examine the precedent set with the contracting of the virus by MP Eugeniu Nikiforchuk, when quarantine was instituted for two weeks. Respectively, in the current situation the sitting should also be put off until all the MPs can take part.

The Shor Party considers the current Government should be dismissed as it turned out to be absolutely irresponsible and incompetent. It noted it will support the formation of a professional Cabinet with a government program that can help overcome the crisis and the pandemic situation.

The MPs on July 20 will hold a sitting to debate the motion of no confidence proposed by the MPs of the Party “Dignity and Truth Platform” on July 16, which was countersigned by the MPs of the Party of Action and Solidarity. The sitting starts at 2pm.