
PVE: Newly elected mayor should show political and administrative resolve


The Green Ecologist Party of Moldova (PVE) welcomes the results of the June 3 mayoral runoffs in Chisinau  and the election of Andrei Nastase as a mayor. In a statement, the Stranding Bureau of the PVE says it was proven once again that the inhabitants of Chisinau municipality are fully predisposed to the European values, IPN reports.

According to the party, the newly elected mayor should show political and administrative resolve so as to overcome the image and credibility crisis of the local public administration. Also, this is the mayor of all the inhabitants of the municipality, regardless of the political preferences of each resident, because the mayor is the person who consolidates society.

“Chisinau should and deserve to become an example of transparent, democratic administration friendly towards its residents. Chisinau needs urgent reforms and prioritization of the interests of the inhabitants and also fighting of the corruption schemes and underground influence of particular groups. Chisinau should turn into a city where urban democracy, public participation and consultations of the residents in decisions of general interest should be the pillars of society in the management of the city, while citizens’ problems should become a priority on the mayor’s plan of action,” reads the statement.

The PVE expressed its conviction that reforms will be launched and after these the municipality of Chisinau will become again the green capital with parks and green areas where the local public authorities are concerned about the environment not only declaratively.

According to the preliminary election outcome, the candidate of the Parity “Platform Dignity and Truth” Andrei Nastase won the mayoral elections in Chisinau with 52.57% of the vote. The mayoralty will last for a year, until the ordinary general mayoral elections of 2019.