
Public servants who fail professional integrity test could be fired


Public servants who perform badly in the professional integrity test will receive disciplinary sanctions. According to the law, the harshest one is dismissal, Cristina Tarna, deputy head of the National Anticorruption Center (CNA), told at a press conference at the start of the test, IPN reports.

Cristina Tarna said that this tool for fighting corruption is a journalistic invention, first applied by American journalists. Knowing that the police officers are corrupt, the journalists dropped wallets in front of them to see how many would return the wallets to their owners. After discovering that many of the police didn't return the wallet, they produced an ample journalistic material. The method was afterwards borrowed by authorities. The police knew they could be tested at any time and their behavior changed. This practice then spread to other countries.

In December 2013, the Moldovan Parliament adopted the bill on testing the professional integrity of all public servants, including CNA officers. In 6 months since the law came into effect, CNA has created a specialized subdivision for the tests. Its agents have been trained by experts from Romania, Hungary and the Great Britain.

The integrity test creates simulated situations, similar to usual work situations, in order to passively observe the reactions of the tested public servants. An under cover CNA agent will approach the subject as an ordinary citizen to verify his/her behavior and whether she/he demands bribe or any other favors, committing abuse of office. CNA agents will be tested by the Security and Intelligence Service.

The law stipulates that the tested persons engaging in corruption must be sacked. If the subject doesn't denounce the attempt of being involved in corruption or corruption-related acts, or doesn't declare the received gifts, other disciplinary sanctions than sacking may be applied. The person who fails the test cannot be prosecuted criminally because the situation was generated artificially.

About 50,000 public servants will be tested. Employers can request the testing of employees before promoting them to positions, where corruption risks are higher.