
Public authorities pledge to build social houses


The local and central public authorities will build social houses for the underprivileged population. This provision is included in the draft of Dwelling Law, adopted Thursday December 7 in the first reading by the Parliament. According to the law draft, the social houses can be built in any town or village. Social dwelling will be offered by erecting new buildings and restoring existent ones. The social houses will be built using local and state budgets, as well as funds of the other investors. Certain categories of persons will have the right to receive a social house. They are: invalids of degree I, five-child families, refugees from Transnistria, ex-service men participants in the armed conflict in Transnistria and others. At the same time, the above-mentioned categories of people must meet certain requirements – the monthly income for each family member must not exceed minimum subsistence level set per economy, must have a dwelling surface under the set minimum norm or a house that does not correspond to sanitary conditions, or live in hostels etc. According to the State Agency for Constructions and Territorial Development, which is the project’s author, the building of social houses could be launched in 2007 if it passes final reading.