
PSRM requests Education Ministry to reopen lyceum classes in a number of communities


The lyceum classes in 56 pre-university education institutions of Chisinau municipality were closed, the chairman of the Party of Socialists (PSRM) Igor Dodon announced in a news conference. He said that he, together with parents and supporters of the party, will go to the Ministry of Education to demand that the lyceum classes should be reopened in the institutions where there are students for at least one class, IPN reports.

Igor Dodon said the Ministry of Education decided not to open lyceum classes in the institutions where there aren’t at least 50 students for forming two lyceum classes. However, in a number of institutions of the 56, there are by 30 students who now have to look for another education institution. So, at least one class could have been created there. The Socialists ask to make and exception and form tenth classes where there are students for at least one class – minimum 25.

A protest is to be mounted near the Government Building, which houses the Ministry of Education, at 1pm. Igor Dodon intends to seek explanations from Minister of Education Corina Fusu and will demand that the lyceum classes in a number of education institutions should be reopened. According to the chairman of the PSRM, the decision not to open tenth classes in the 56 institutions was taken several days before the start of the new school year and many children and their parents haven’t been information about it.