
PSRM officially enters local elections campaign


The Socialist Party officially entered the electoral campaign for the general local elections to be held on October 20, 2019. Thus, on the part of PSRM, 729 candidates were nominated for mayor, 1108 candidates for district councillors and over 9000 candidates for local councillors, IPN reports.

Attending the event that took place on Sunday, September 15, at the National Palace of the capital, President Igor Dodon, noted that "people of the country want changes at local level, they want responsible householders in every village, good professionals and true patriots. People expect good roads, water, sewerage, schools, kindergartens, accessible medical services. And all these expectations are connected, first and foremost, to the Socialist Party team - the most powerful pro-presidential team”, declared the president.

The PSRM chair, Zinaida Greceanîi, mentioned that 2019 was a crucial year, when the oligarchy came to an end, but, according to her, the greatest difficulties are still to come. "The general local elections of October 20, 2019 offer a unique opportunity to prove that the Socialist Party is that driving force that can and must truly bring changes for the better."

Zinaida Greceanii argues that the PSRM has already shown a high level of responsibility for the settlements run by its representatives. "But, now the party is facing new challenges such as the implementation of investment projects, the reconstruction of modern agro-industrial complexes, subsidies in agriculture and production”, she specified.

"We will develop the infrastructure of cities and villages of the Republic of Moldova at a new quality level and connect villages to gas, water and sewerage supply systems. We will ensure the sustainable repair of roads, introducing a control system on public procurement and public expenditure. We will provide social assistance and protection to every citizen in need,” says Zinaida Greceanii.

Concurrently with general local elections, parliamentary elections will be held in four constituencies on October 20.