
Protest at Moldova’s Railways, Chisinau-Moscow train delayed


A protest was staged at a depot of the state-run company “Calea Ferata a Moldovei” (“Moldova’s Railways”). A number of employees of the company blocked a railway line for several minutes, the Chisinau-Moscow train being thus delayed. The employees are dissatisfied with the fact that they are paid salaries with delay.

Contacted by phone by IPN, the company’s director Vladimir Cebotari admitted that the salaries are more than 30 days overdue. But, according to him, this protest was staged by instigators because the salary arrears are not something unordinary at the company given that the revenues diminished following the decrease in the volume of freight.

Vladimir Cebotari noted that the given state of affairs is due to the situation in Ukraine where there were the main addressees and forwarders of goods that crossed Moldova’s territory. All the measures are being taken to solve the remuneration problem.