
Protest at Ministry of Agriculture: Agriculture is concentrated in hands of narrow group!


Representatives of the Party “Dignity and Truth Platform (PPPDA) on June 21 picketed the building of the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment, criticizing the situation and state policies in the field and the situation in villages. According to them, agriculture is now concentrated in the hands of a narrow group of business entities. Candidates for MP said they are ready to assume responsibility and the management of this sector, presenting a set of measures to this effect, IPN reports.

The party’s deputy head, MP Alexandru Slusari said today agriculture is intended for holdings and supermarkets that are the masters of the sector and that own tens of hectares and modern equipment, but they don’t care about villages. The small and medium-sized farmers do not have such possibilities and whole hectares are cultivated by holdings. Rural infrastructure should be rehabilitated as the villages cannot be developed without this, without decent conditions and jobs. Or the thousands of people who remained in villages will also leave.

Andrei Dînga, a farmer from Ștefan Vodă, said agriculture is problematic, primarily for small and medium-sized farmers. He returned home from abroad and invested in the field. Good things can be done at home, but changes are needed , including legislative ones, by providing subsidies in the sector, making investments in villages, etc.

Vasile Mîrzenco, executive director of the National Farmers Federation, said he came to this event to show his gratitude for the work done by the PPPDA team in the previous legislative body. Everyone knows the difficulties faced by the farmers and what this party’s contribution to dealing with them was. “I call on the famers to support those parties and teams that not only declared, but also did concrete things and promote our European course and good relations with neighbors,” said Vasile Mîrzenco.

Representatives of the PPPDA presented the party’s commitments in agriculture. They suggest implementing a comprehensive strategy for developing the agro-industrial sector based on the FIP (finance, irrigation, processing) principle. They aim to treble the agriculture subsidization fund, giving priority to the support for small and medium-sized farmers.

The PPPDA promises to rehabilitate the irrigation systems according to European standards and ensure access to water of all the famers, to ensure small-scale industrialization by creating modern and compressed processing enterprises in rural areas, to limit the import of products that are made in Moldova by using all the tariff and nontariff methods permitted under the international commitments, etc.