
Prosecutor general names three deputies


Prosecutor General Eduard Harunjen on March 9 appointed his deputies. These are Mircea Rosioru, Igor Popa sand Iurie Garaba. The candidates were accepted by the Superior Council of Prosecutors, IPN reports.

Under the Law on the Prosecution Service, the deputies of the prosecutor general are named by order of the prosecutor general without a contest, with the written consent of the Superior Council of Prosecutors.

Mircea Rosioru is 37. Until recently, he headed the Legal Division of the Prosecutor General’s Office. He started work in the prosecution service in 2001. In the period he held posts at the Hancesti Prosecutor’s Office, the Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office and the Legal Division of the Prosecutor General’s Office.

Igor Popa, 40, joined the prosecution service in 1999 and worked at the Centru and Rascani Prosecutor’s Office and the Prosecutor General’s Office. Since 2015, he had headed the Prosecutor’s Office of Chisinau municipality.

Iurie Garaba, 53, was reconfirmed to the post of deputy prosecutor general.

The deputies will be assigned areas of responsibility. There will be decided the order in which these will substitute the prosecutor general in case of absence or impossibility of fulfilling the duties. The term in office of the deputies expires together with the term of the prosecutor general.