The MPs didn’t support the repeated request of Liberal-Democratic MP Tudor Deliu to question in Parliament the director of the Security and Intelligence Service Mihai Balan and Deputy Prime Minister for Reintegration Gheorghe Balan about the stay of the former Transnistrian leader Yevgheny Shevchuk in Chisinau, IPN reports.
“I want to tell you that we are all personas non grata for those from the left side of the Nistru. We cannot cross the Nistru, but they walk through Chisinau,” stated Tudor Deliu, insisting that it is the right of the citizens to find out details about those who subject to humiliation the citizens and teachers from the Moldovan-administered, Romanian-language lyceums in Transnistria and now walk freely through the capital city.
In reply, the president of honor of the Democratic Party Dumitru Diacov said it is not for the first time that attempts are made to bring everything that is going on in Chisinau to Parliament. “We have institutions that are obliged to deal with such situations. Today we have a rather tight agenda and this issue is not the most important one to be discussed now. When Basescu comes to Chisinau, why aren’t we interested in this issue?” asked Diacov.
In the July 6 sitting of Parliament, Tudor Deliu also proposed questioning Mihai Balan and Gheorghe Bălan about Shevchuk’s stay on the right side of the Nistru. Then, the Communist leader Vladimir Voronin said that Shevchuk already left Moldova. The information wasn’t confirmed by the law enforcement agencies.