
Propagandistic fuss around road accident, IPN Experts


The September 9 road accident that involved President Igor Dodon and members of his family is a said occasion for ascertaining inappropriate attitudes to the person of the President and the misfortune he experienced. Humanly and Christianly, it is normal for anyone to express compassion and regret for the accident that occurred. As they say: God protect us! And Thank God! that no victims and serious injuries were experienced! Surely, there were exceptions too. The attitude of Speaker of Parliament Andrian Candu was as balanced and appropriate as possible. Regrettably, the media sphere was dominated by attitudes: either rancorous, insinuating that the accident was a deserved punishment for the President’s  deeds and “sins”; either fantastic, conspiratorial, insinuating that it was an accident planned by the sworn opponents of the Head of State.

Both of the attitudes are condemnable, especially those that invoke the pre-electoral context as they try to transform the accident that involved the President into an occasion for propagandistic inventions before the upcoming parliamentary elections. The executive secretary of the Party of Socialists of the Republic of Moldova (PSRM) Vlad Batrîncea excelled in this regard. This explained his conspiratorial attitude in the social media and multiplied it through the media holding affiliated to the PSRM. It should be noted from the start that the propagandistic zeal of the executive secretary of the PSRM rather harms the PSRM and the President than does good to them.

First of all, by his conspiratorial message, by enumerating his arguments, the executive secretary of the PSRM provoked the curiosity of a wide segment of citizens who are not interested in the political struggle. Indeed, the people can wonder how many enemies the President has if these want to cause him harm? And who are these enemies precisely? In this regard, the executive secretary of the PSRM is very prolific, but nevertheless very evasive and this shows that he is afraid of being held accountable for serious insinuations. Therefore, he resorts to allusions as to the potential organizers of the criminal accident – 1) the government and its Euro-Atlantic protectors; 2) the pro-Europeans opposition that is afraid of the victory of the PSRM, which would win the upcoming parliamentary elections with the President as the top candidate on its list; 3) Romania and the U.S., that oppose the President’s efforts to reintegrate Transnistria; 4) enigmatic forces hostile to Orthodoxy and the visit that is to be made by Patriarch Kirill who is to take part in the World Congress of Families; 5) forces hostile to the friendship between the Orthodox Christians and Muslims, who aim to thwart the visit by the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to Chișinău where this is to take part in the inauguration of the renovated Presidential Building etc.

The fantasy of the executive secretary of the PSRM developed up to the explicit invoking of only five groups of sworn enemies of the President, even if he could mention, for example, nationalist Ukrainian forces dissatisfied with the fact that the President does not recognize Crimea as part of Ukraine and formulated irredentist pretentions concerning the neighboring state. Or he could have invoked Islamist or Kurd terrorists who want to take revenge for the recent extradition of the teachers of Turkish origin from the Republic of Moldova. So, the wide segment of citizens who are indifferent to the political fuss could wonder how did the President manage to create so many mortal enemies during only two years of presidency? And what is actually the main version of the alleged attempt as it is excluded that the almost ten categories of sworn enemies of the President had coordinated their actions? The question is question, but the row of questions that appear one after another shows it is a kind of senseless propagandistic zeal of the executive secretary of the PSRM. 

Secondly, the executive secretary’s arguments are simply futile. For example, why would the rulers fear the President’s eventual victorious involvement in the parliamentary campaign as the top candidate on the  PSRM’s list if this government knows that in virtue of the Constitutional Court’s judgement, the President does not have the right to do it? Moreover, the secretary general of the PSRM is directly responsible for this CC judgment as – it is better to say nothing and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt, which is if he hadn’t gone to the CC, this wouldn’t have pronounced explicitly on the ban on taking part in party electoral events that is imposed on the President.

Thirdly, the President was so useful to the current rulers that it would be a foolishness for them to remove him. Indeed, who saved the so-called pro-European government in 2012 by voting Nicolae Timofti President? Who helped the ruling party in the process of modifying the electoral system? Who promoted the capital amnesty law and even tax reform, praising them? However, the PSRM’s Economic Strategy published on the personal website of the President stipulates the gradual taxation? But who can be the partner with whom the current rulers will form a majority after the parliamentary elections of February 2019? Only the PSRM and its informal leader in the person of the Head of State. There are no other better variants for the rulers.

Fourthly, which are the President’s successes in the Transnistrian settlement for Romania and the U.S. to oppose the implementation of the President’s plans as no one else than the Transnistrian leader Vadim Krasnoselski admitted recently, immediately after the meeting with President Dodon, that there is absolutely no plan.

Fifthly, what enemies of the President’s efforts to promote the Orthodox values can be there if Orthodoxy and the Christina unity are undermined by the involvement by churches in politics and the President himself was the beneficiary of this involvement. This fact was confirmed by the CC’s request of December 13, 2016. Don’t the behavior and attitude of the Church to the Russian-Ukrainian conflict that is biasedly supported by the President undermine the unity of Orthodox Christians?

Sixthly, the mega-conclusion of the secretary general of the PSRM is really hallucinating by its semi-precision. This said that there where there is no morality and ethics, no public good can exist. This was said by antic thinkers. But our Euro-Atlantic leaders do not read books. They read only about how to attract grants. What about the US$ 7 million provided by the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for repairing the Presidential Building? Doesn’t this money form part of the category of grants? Isn’t this what the President’s enemies mean when they say that the Head of State committed an act of immorality  by accepting the extradition of the Turkish teachers from the Orizont network of lyceums in exchange for the given grant? What about the presidential family’s vacation in Turkey in 2017, which was organized with the assistance of the administration of the Turkish President? Isn’t this a grant too? 

There is yet more to be said about the propagandistic zeal of the executive secretary of the PSRM, but those invoked seem sufficient to show that having such skillful propagandists, the PSRM and the President do not even need authentic enemies.

IPN Experts