
Promo-Lex warns about possible arrests of Transnistrian young persons


Though the young people in Transnistria have soldiers’ records issued by the Moldovan authorities, they are obliged to illegally enroll in the military units. In a communiqué quoted by Info-Prim Neo, the Promo-Lex Association says that these young men risk being persecuted by the self-proclaimed Transnistrian authorities. The students that turn 18 are informed that they must go to the Transnistrian military centers during May-June 2009 to be drafted. Accidentally or not, this period coincides with the period of the Baccalaureate exams. The young men are threatened with legal cases if they refuse. Some of them say that they were forced to sign statements saying that they will continue their studies in Tiraspol, the communiqué says. “I had to hide in another region of Moldova, but I don’t know what to do so as not to be drafted into the Transnistrian army. Moreover, I swore an oath of allegiance to the motherland – Moldova,” a young man from Dubasari town who wished to remain anonymous has told Promo-Lex. “It is very important that the young persons in Transnistria are informed that they could be arrested. We asked the constitutional authorities to intervene, prevent the abuses and solve the problems faced by thousands of Transnistrian young people. We count on the receptivity of the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Reintegration, which expressed readiness to solve the problems of these persons,” said Ion Manole, the president of Promo-Lex. Promo-Lex calls on the persons that were abused or illegally detained or know such cases to call 022 450024 or 069070800.