
Promo-Lex urges Medvedev and Yanukovich to contribute to human rights improvement in Transnistrian region


The association Promo-Lex is calling on the Russian and Ukrainian authorities to contribute, alongside the legitimate authorities of Moldova, to the resolution of each separate case of violation of human rights and fundamental freedoms occurring on the territory controlled by the Tiraspol administration. The appeal is being addressed to Russian President Dmitri Medvedev and Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich ahead of the announced signing of a Russo-Ukrainian declaration on the settlement of the Transnistrian conflict in Kyiv on May 17-18, Promo-Lex said in a press release, quoted by Info-Prim Neo. The appeal is made considering that both Ukraine and Russia have the status of guarantor state in the settlement of the Transnistrian issue, while recognizing Moldova's independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity and condemning separatism in all forms. Medvedev and Yanukovich are urged to respect the principles and the norms of international law and coordinate with the legitimate authorities of Moldova all the actions concerning Ukraine's and Russia's relations with the Tiraspol administration. Promo-Lex urges Ukraine and Russia to offer and distribute humanitarian aid to people in the region in conformity with the laws of the donor and recipient states, to condition the financial assistance offered to the Tiraspol administration on respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. According to the association, Kyiv and Moscow should contribute, together with the legitimate authorities in Chisinau, to the identification and creation of legal mechanisms that should guarantee the respect for human rights and fundamental liberties in the Transnistrian region of Moldova. According to Promo-Lex estimates, the region is home to 400,000 Moldovan citizens.