
Promo-LEX investigated criminally by Transnistria’s KGB


The security services of the Transnistrian region consider that “Promo-LEX” Association, which promotes the observance of human rights in the region, carries out activities aimed at destabilizing the situation. Therefore, Transnistria’s KGB started a criminal case against the Association. “Promo-LEX” described this information as a threat to it, IPN reports.

According to the press service of the KGB, “Promo-LEX” receives money from abroad especially for provoking destabilization in the region. The Association’s information is used by the Security and Information Service of Moldova to convince the population from the Security Zone not to accept the peacekeeping mission in the region.

“Promo-LEX” said that this information represents a threat to it and that only the authoritarian regimes consider that the actions taken to defend the human rights are provocations.