
Project to give career guidance to young people


A project of professional orientation for career development intended for young people was launched in Chisinau. The students will take part in training sessions in schools, while the practical part will consist of visits to enterprises and factories. The project was launched by Rotary Club Chisinau that forms part of a global network of partners and leaders. The project will last from December through January and informative brochures will be distributed to a series of educational institutions at the end, Octavian Zelinsky, a member of Rotary Club Chisinau, stated in a news conference staged by IPN.

“A lot of young people, as they do not realize well their role in society and do not have a plan for the future, do not always sensibly choose a profession. They often choose this under the guidance of parents or possibly under the influence of trends or based on their calculations that not always match the reality,” said Octavian Zelinsky.

By this project, Rotary Club Chisinau aims to show to the young people in the Republic of Moldova that they can work not only in areas considered prestigious. The choice should be rational and should be made taking into account the opportunities, abilities, necessities. “The Republic of Moldova needs technical specialists, workers and these professions are actually those that generate revenues, real production, jobs and prospects for the country,” noted Octavian Zelinsky.

The young people are invited to join in this program and not to lose the opportunity to learn more about the employment processes. “Owing to this program, they can benefit also from excursions to factories and see how “bread” is made and can later avoid taking a decision about an unsuitable job and can do what they like,” said Alina Caradja, of the Light Industry Employers Association.

Ecaterina Boboc, senior consultant of the Labor Ministry’s Occupational Policies and Labor Force Migration Regulation Division, said the young people are those who bring to society and implement innovations and those who represent the active basis of the labor force. The National Employment Agency, through its local subdivisions, provides a series of services for young people, including career guidance, professional formation through courses, training at the workplace, professional internships. The young people can also receive a scholarship while studying. Of all those who graduated from professional training courses in the first nine months of 2022, 45% were aged between 16 and 29.

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