
Program to promote Romanian language proposed by expert commissions of Romania and Moldova


The working out and implementation of a program to promote the Romanian language can represent the first important cooperation effort between the commission on culture, education, research, youth, sport and the media of Moldova’s Parliament and the Romanian Senate’s commission on culture and the media, Viorel Badea, the head of the Romanian commission, stated in a joint meeting of the members of the two commissions held in Chisinau, IPN reports.

According to the senator, this cooperation will serve as an example for other commissions and political factors interested in the restoration of the relations between Romania and the Republic of Moldova.

The chair of the commission on culture, education, research, youth, sport and the media Liliana Nicolaescu-Onofrei said that there is increased interest in promoting the studying of the Romanian language among other language speakers and that Moldova’s Parliament will be grateful for the assistance in implementing a permanent program based on the advanced experience of the European Union and of Romania in particular.

Speaker Igor Grosu said the utilization of the advantages of the common linguistic and cultural space of Moldova and Romania is a wide area of cooperation between the Moldovan and Romanian MPs. Parliament is honored to play host to the members of the Romanian Senate’s commission on culture and the media who are visiting Moldova in full composition. In another development, he thanked Romania for the assistance offered to the Republic of Moldova, including in containing the COVID-19 pandemic.