
Program of two trolleybus routes to be extended from July 1


Starting with July 1, the trolleybuses running on routes No.22 and 24 on Friday, Saturday and Sunday will travel according to an extended program, until 2pm. In the ordinary meeting of officials of Chisinau services and divisions, the head of the Chisinau Electric Transport Gheorghe Morgoci said these trolleybuses now run from 5am until 11:20pm.

Trolleybus route No. 22 connects Botanica and Buiucani districts, while trolleybus route No.24 ensures connection between the districts of Ciocana and Rascani and Telecentru quarter. Initially, the trolleybuses will run at an interval of 25-30 minutes. Afterward, the schedule will be adjusted depending on the flow of passengers.

According to Gheorghe Morgoci, the draft decision to this effect will be examined today, June 27, by the expert commission and is to be then adopted by the Chisinau Municipal Council.