
Program of research fellowships for U.S.


University faculty, researchers, advanced graduate students, and scholars in the social sciences and humanities from Moldova can apply for fellowships offered as part of the Carnegie Research Fellowship Program. The program brings Russian and former Soviet scholars to the United States for short-term, non-degree research at American universities and research institutions, Info-Prim Neo has learned from the National Council for Eurasian and East European Research. All fellows spend up to four months at their host universities conducting research on specific topics in their fields and write a 15 to 30-page academic paper for presentation upon the fellow's return home. Participants in this program receive the following: round-trip airfare from their home cities to the host universities in the United States; pre-departure orientation; an academic orientation in Washington, DC or Seattle; visa support; a monthly stipend; health insurance; a professional development fund; access to libraries and archives; support for membership in international professional associations in their field, and a course to improve English if necessary. The applicants must submit research proposals related to one of the major fields of the Center for Advanced Studies and Education on Social Transformations in the Western Eurasia Border Region-Belarus, Moldova, and Ukraine They are also expected to have a high level of oral and written proficiency in English. The deadline to apply for this year's competition is April 30, 2010. The program starts in September 2010 and is administered by the National Council for Eurasian and East European Research in cooperation with the American Councils for International Education (ACTR / ACCELS). It is financed by the Carnegie Corporation of New York .