
Program of Chisinau medical institutions will not change essentially on Easter


The medical institutions of Chisinau municipality will not essentially modify their work program during the Easter holidays. Before Easter, on April 19, and before Low Sunday, on April 26, the policlinics and family doctors centers will work according to the ordinary program, from 8am until 6pm. The patients will be examined either by the family doctor or by doctors on duty. The municipal hospitals will work nonstop and the number of doctors there will be increased.

On April 21 and 28, the medical institutions will have a shortened program, up to 2pm. Head of the Chisinau Health Division Mihai Moldovanu said that four ambulances will be on guard at Saint Lazarus Cemetery in Chisinau, while two ambulances at the Armenesc Cemetery on Low Sunday.

Petru Cravet, spokesman for the Chisinau Emergency Medicine Center, said that the institution during the Easter holidays will work round the clock. At the request of the local authorities, the number of ambulances was increased by two. On the night before Easter, ambulances will be on duty in the Great National Assembly Square and on the square of the Metropolitan Cathedral. Most of the people taken to the Emergency Hospital in the period suffer food poisoning, infections and traumas.

Under an order made by the Ministry of Health, the national medical institutions during the Easter holidays will work according to the schedule set by the administrations of the institutions.