
Process of implementing Court of Auditors’ decisions should be made transparent continuously, TIM


The process of implementing the Court of Auditors’ decisions should be made transparent continuously, including by ensuring the access of civil society and the media to the Automated Information System “Audit CCRM”. Also, the State Chancellery should more actively monitor the implementation of the Court of Auditors’ recommendations, said experts of Transparency International – Moldova, who presented a report entitled “Audit of government procurement compliance: how are the Court of Auditors’ recommendations implemented?”.

The recommendations were formulated after it was ascertained that the level of implementation of the Court of Auditors’ recommendations by state institutions is low. In 2020-2021, the Court of Auditors conducted a series of audits to determine government procurement compliance in nine ministries and subordinate entities. The Court formulated about 260 recommendations for eliminating the inconsistencies and 60% of these were monitored by TI-Moldova.

“The State Chancellery should take a more active part in the monitoring of the implementation of the Court of Auditors’ recommendations, especially in the promotion of good practices as there are success stories at entities that are within the Chancellery’s remit. These should be disseminated. The implementation of recommendations concerning government procurement should be analyzed at a separate meeting of the parliamentary commission for public finance control as to as to take attitude to unsolved problems and to make the decision makers more responsible,” TIM expert Iana Spinei said in a news conference hosted by IPN.

The research authors recommend increasing the commission for public finance control’s involvement in the examination of the Court of Auditors’ reports and in the responsibilization of decision makers of the audited entities, supporting of legal initiatives, etc. It is also recommended reviewing the concept of work of the Court of Auditors’ Council of Cooperation with the law enforcement agencies so as to efficiently contribute to identifying, notifying and penalizing fraud and corruption, to making data about the Council’s work more transparent.

Court of Auditors member Andrei Munteanu told the same news conference that to increase the level of implementation of the recommendations and to make the entities more responsible, the Court of Auditors updated the Automated Information System “Audit CCRM”. Within this system, each of the institution that was issued with a recommendation has a personal cabinet through which they can introduce all the necessary data.  “Each entity posts its answers, knows the status – was the recommendation implemented or not - following a response received from the audit team,” stated Andrei Munteanu.

He noted that the Court is open to communication and tends to be very transparent. “I call on the NGOs that want to have access to such information to make an approach to us and we will allow access to information,” said the member of the Court of Auditors.

The report was produced in the framework of the project “Strengthening the rule of law and democracy: contribution of civil society” that is supported by the Embassy of the Netherlands.

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