
Procedure for proposing judges for post repeatedly may be modified


The repeated fielding of candidates for the post of judge, court president or vice president, if the head of state rejects them the first time, will be done by the unanimous vote of the members of the Supreme Council of Magistrates. Such a provision is contained in a bill put forward by MPs of the Liberal-Democratic group, IPN reports, quoting a communiqué from the PLDM.

According to the authors, the proposed changes are aimed at ensuring an increased degree of objectivity of the Supreme Council of Magistrates in the process of naming and promoting judges to posts. The higher number of votes for the repeated fielding of the same candidates will increase conviction that the judges are appointed based on objective criteria and meritocracy.

At the same time, the bill authors recommend obliging the Council to explain its refusals when examining the prosecutor general’s proposals to institute legal proceedings against judges.

The Liberal-Democrats said such a bill is needed in order to adjust the national mechanism of appointing judges, court presidents and vice presidents to a number of international treaties.