
Pro Moldova proposes bill aimed at developing rural infrastructure


Pro Moldova has drafted a bill designed to ensure the development of rural infrastructure by intelligently redistributing the allocated resources. Under the bill, a part of the money collected for the Road Fund should remain in the local budgets. Besides, the state should be obliged by law to increase the Regional Development Fund, IPN reports.

In a news conference, the head of the
Pro Moldova parliamentary group Andrian Candu said the bill forms part of the sincerity and responsibility test intended for the candidates running for President. “As the previous bill, to raise pensions, this legislative proposal can be voted right now and can successfully implement the candidates’ promise during the next year already, without waiting for the election outcome or the President’s eventual excuse why this didn’t manage to deliver it in four years,” stated the politician.

MP Corneliu Padnevici, who is in charge of the LPAs in the Pro Moldova group, said that hundreds of villages in the Republic of Moldova are not connected to the gas and water supply and sewerage systems. “The Pro Moldova group proposes a bill that amends a number of normative documents so as to make the development of infrastructure, primarily in villages, a national priority and an obligation at legislative level, regardless of the political factor and the frequent replacement of the executive,” stated the MP.

The bill provides that the Road Fund will be diminished by 25% and this percentage will be redistributed to the local public authorities of the first level so that the rural mayor’s offices enjoy more consistent financing. It also suggests that the allocations to the Regional Development Fund should be increased to 3%. The proposed changes do not involve additional state budget costs and the financial resources will have to be only redistributed, stated the MPs.

Last week,
Pro Moldova proposed a bill to amend the Constitution by introducing the provision that obliges the state to pay a pension not lower than the minimum subsistence level to pensioners. “Under the bill, each pensioner, regardless of the length of service and of the held jobs, should get a minimum pension of 2,100 lei,” stated then Andrian Candu.