
Pro-European integration should have been specified in Constitution, Alexandru Mosanu, ex-Speaker


[Info-Prim Neo survey of the Series “Moldova-20! Whereto?”] [ – Do you agree that Moldova’s pro-European orientation should be laid down in the Constitution in order to guarantee the continuation of the modernization process? Will this process be interrupted if no such provisions are included in the Constitution?] - I’ve always supported this viewpoint. We must go towards Europe and the countries with advanced democracy and market economy. Hundreds of thousands of people fought for this desideratum at the end of the 1980s and the start of the 1990s. This fight for setting a new course of the sovereign, independent and democratic state Moldova should have been stipulated in the Constitution. It would be more efficient and productive if a new Constitution was adopted, as some of the components of the Alliance for European Integration proposed. The new Constitution should include this desideratum and stipulate this fundamental orientation. But I don’t know how efficient this decision can be, given the ratio of forces in Moldova. It depends on whether we lean towards the East or the West and who is behind certain forces. I have shared this opinion since I went into politics in 1990. This should be the basis of the political strategy. [ - May the Constitution be amended in Parliament or by referendum? Will the entire political class, including the opposition, and, eventually, society back such amendments?] – It matters not what way, but how powerful the political forces that will promote this Constitution are. We need a favorable ratio of forces. The Constitution can be adopted either in Parliament or by referendum. It would be more convincing by referendum. The Constitution can be passed in Parliament and then confirmed by referendum. The hopes grew after the Alliance for European Integration (AEI) came to power. But the ruling alliance becomes weaker and Communists’ chances of seizing power again increase. A new Communist government would mean Moldova’s reorientation to the Euro-Asian area and Russia and against Romania. It would mean the continuation of the policies aimed at undermining the national values. The Communists pursued such a policy in 2001-2009. The current administration must promote a clear policy, fulfill the promises made to the voters, observe the provisions of the Declaration of Independence and defend the cultural and spiritual values of the major native population. The fact that the Ministry of Education decided to exclude the History of Romanians from the curriculum is revolting. This means following Communists’ steps. Such a decision, if it is definitive, will affect the education system that is based on national Romanian values. [ - How can such changes affect the Transnistrian conflict settlement process?] – The Transnistrian conflict is the most serious problem we face. We in fact face Russia and it is very important that we have allies in the West. Russia will not abandon its imperial course. We yet hope that the pro-European policy pursued by the AEI-2 will be convincing and the countries of the Euro-Atlantic collation will find the suitable key to make Russia respect the commitments it made in Istanbul in 1999. Twenty years ago, Moldova proclaimed its sovereignty and independence, but the struggle for independence goes on. Russia continues to treat us like its servants. Moldova’s Eastern districts are now under Russia’s control. The changes to Moldova’s Constitution cannot influence Russia’s expansionist policy towards Moldova. [Elena Nistor, Info-Prim Neo] {[Info-Prim Neo Note:] More details as regards the guaranteeing of the irreversibility of the process of the country’s modernization can be found in part I of the analysis “Moldova without internal enemies” that was published on August 1, and in part II that was published on August 9, 2011.}