
Private individuals will be able to pay income tax online


About 6,000 persons who possess an electronic key will be able to submit tax returns online from March 10. This will be possible through a new service launched by the State Main Tax Inspectorate, called Pre-Completed Statement, IPN reports.

The Inspectorate’s head Ion Prisacaru told a news conference that the new service is designed to facilitate the submission of tax returns by the March 31 deadline. With the help of the electronic key, the person can ask for the pre-completed income statement, with information about the tax that must be paid, in electronic format. At request, the applicants can be issued with data about the bank where the tax can be paid. The new service enables the private individuals to pay taxes through the M-Pay system, which is through bank card.

Ion Prisacaru said the data provided by the Inspectorate is informative in character and it is up to the private individuals to declare all the earned incomes. If the person has other incomes except those recorded by the Inspectorate, they can include the relevant information in the pre-completed statement and submit the final variant to the Inspectorate after putting the digital signature.

According to Ion Prisacaru, about 25,000 persons who must pay the income tax by March 31 will be informed about the new tax payment method through email and the postal service.

The State Tax Service said that 89.5% of the tax returns submitted by private individuals in 2012 contained information only about the salary incomes.