
Priorities of European integration discussed with people of Nisporeni


MPs Ana Gutu, Igor Corman and Dumitru Diacov had a meeting with the local administration and the people in Nisporeni. They discussed about the priorities of European integration and cross-border cooperation, as well as the main problems affecting the locals. The meeting was organized at the initiative of the Parliament of Moldova in collaboration with the United Nations Development Program and the Swiss Agency for International Development and Collaboration (SIDA), Info-Prim Neo reports. Parliamentarian Igor Corman said that this kind of meetings was based on the desire for cooperation between Parliament, local administration and society. “We started intensive negotiations with the EU. We started the dialogue regarding the creation of the Free Trade Zone. European integration means reforms not only in Chisinau, but in the whole country, at the level of each individual”, declared Igor Corman during the meeting. Ana Gutu spoke about the need of a mentality change because the European integration process didn’t depend only on the Parliament, but on society as a whole. Companies must accept the new play rules stipulated by some reforms or otherwise there will be no progress. “The budget of Moldova won’t be able to cover all the needs of people in the near future and that’s why they must be active and knock on Europe’s doors through different projects, as there is money waiting to be gained behind these doors”, declared MP Dumitru Diacov. Those present at the meeting were preoccupied with the crossing of the Moldovan-Romanian border in Nisporeni and proposed the construction of bridge over the Prut River in this area. The people of Nisporeni appreciated the regime of small border traffic permits, but would like the permits to be issued for 5 years instead of 2. They also criticized the high level of corruption in the country. The MPs answered the audience’s questions and promised to participate in solving problems as much as their competences allow them. Igor Corman said that during such meetings the primary were identified and later would be included on the Parliament’s agenda. A similar forum was organized last month in Hancesti. Such meetings take place each month in border districts.