
Prince Radu de Hohenzollern: Romania adhesion to EU is a certain difficulty for Moldova, but as well a chance to go further


The European wave that will come near the borders of Moldova, once with the European integration of Romania in 2007, will create a certain difficulty for Moldovan society, but will offer as well a chance to go further, the prince, Radu de Hohenzollern-Veringen, said within the Moldovan-Romanian Economic Forum held on Wednesday in Chisinau. „I do not think that in conditions of advantageous geographic position of Moldova, but as well of the professional training of Moldovans, registration of important steps would be a problem. Moldova had already got certain developments in last three years, and if it goes on the same tempo in 10 or 15 years, the results will be very serious,” the prince said, who is the special representative of the Romanian government for integration, cooperation and sustainable development. In the same time, according to him, this forum, but as well the increase of freedoms and dynamic of both states will contribute to give away certain obstacles that could appear starting 1 January 2007. In prince’s opinion, the role of businessmen in the society is very big, and the fact that at this event gathered 250 businessmen shows that the ideas of bilateral cooperation have roots in these two societies, that people are really interested. Deputy Minister of Economics and Commerce of Chisinau, Igor Dodon, mentioned during the forum that even Moldova is a small country; it offers great opportunities in field of investments and trade regimes. Starting 1 January 2007, the agreement of free exchange between Romania and Moldova will be suspended, but according to him, at the beginning of this year Moldova got the trade preference regime of the European Union (EU), supposing that 7,200 goods positions could be exported to EU countries at tax zero. „In the same time, at the moment Moldova is at an advanced stage of negotiations in order to get asymmetric regime and there are real prerequisites that starting 1 January 2007 to get free access on EU market to all types of goods that can be produced in Moldova. This means that Moldovan goods can be exported without customs clearances on western markets, as well on eastern ones. Such export possibilities are not offered by any country in Europe not even in the world,” Dodon underlined. The deputy minister said that the taxation system in Moldova is very attractive as well. „For 2005, the income tax of juridical persons reduced from 20 to 18%, having as objective for next year to reduce it to 15%, and in the same time to reduce the income tax for ordinary persons from 22 to 15%”. Another advantage for foreign investors in Moldova, according to Dodon, is that the legislation provides certain facilities to companies making direct foreign investments. Thus, companies investing over 250,000 dollars are exempted of 50% of the income tax for 5 years, and in case of investments getting over 2 million dollars are providing exemptions for 3 years. They also can benefit from certain fiscal facilities for a term of 5 years investments made in the filed of technological information, regardless of their volume. „Authorities of Chisinau make big efforts to create a favourable investment framework, including implementation of the “guillotine law”, aiming to give away any bureaucratic obstacles in the way of businessmen.” On Thursday, 16 March, the Moldovan-Romanian forum of businessmen will continue in Orhei, where businessmen of district will take part as well. It will be discussed the possibility to organise a similar forum in Bucharest. During three day visit in Chisinau, prince Radu de Hohenzollern-Veringen met with the chairman and vice-chairman of the parliament, prime minister and minister of foreign affairs, minister of economics and commerce, representatives of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. On Wednesday, he shall meet with the minister of defence. The visit of the representative of Romanian government to Moldova will end on Friday after visiting an orthodox monastery and meeting with the representatives of the civil society.