
Prime Minister requests maximum transparency in foreign funds management


Prime Minister Vlad Filat on Wednesday issued a prescript requesting maximum transparency and effective communication for the institutions involved in managing foreign funds, the Government's press service said in a communique. Presently in Moldova there are 236 foreign-funded projects with a total budget of 1.348 billion euros. The main donors are the European Union, the United States, EBRD, the World Bank, Romania and the European Investment Bank In August, there were ongoing projects in agriculture valued at over 300 million euros, in transportation and roads at 200 million euros, in water supply and sanitation at 100 million euros, in social infrastructure (schools, kindergartens, hospitals, etc.) at 200 million euros, and in other areas. The Prime Minister stressed that some of the projects represent non-reimbursable aid or loans extended under advantageous terms and requested that each facility built or rehabilitated with foreign funds is marked with signboards so that people know the contributors.