
Prices of gasoline and diesel fuel 0.30 lei down


The standard type fuels for which price ceilings are set have decreased in price by 0.30 lei. This way, a liter of gasoline COR 95 on Thursday will cost 32.56 lei, while a liter of diesel fuel will be sold for 30.82 lei. The National Agency for Energy Regulation said the fuel prices are following a downward trend, IPN reports.

According to the Agency, the Platts quotations have declined slightly since last week. They decreased to about 1,211 $/tonne of gasoline and approximately 1,179 $/tonne of diesel fuel, a decline of about 145 $/tonne of gasoline and 73 $/tonne of diesel fuel respectively.

The institution noted that the current mechanism for calculating and applying the prices of oil products at national level generates correct and transparent prices that mirror the tendencies on the international oil market.

Before the downward trends, the prices of gasoline and diesel fuel had grown continuously. For comparison, at the beginning of last September, a liter of gasoline COR 95 cost 20.23 lei, while a liter of diesel fuel cost 16.42 lei.