
Press is partly free and is exposed to many risks, experts


On World Press Freedom Day, journalists and experts say that the press in Moldova is partly free. Despite the considerable progress made during the last three years, the press is in parts politicized, economically dependent, fearful and partial. Contacted by Info-Prim Neo, the executive director of the Independent Press Association (API) Petru Macovei said the freedom of the press in Moldova is still politically conditioned because important political figures own media outlets. Thus, they influence the formation of public opinion to a rather great extent. There is also a danger of ‘trustizing’ the mass media. During the Communist rule, there was a trust of the Communist Party, which consisted of a private TV channel, a public TV channel and many other media outlets. “Now we do not have a Communist trust, but we have ‘trustizing’ elements that develop. Under the recommendations of the Council of Europe, the state is obliged to take measures to hinder the ‘trustizing’ of the media,” said the API director. Liliana Vitu-Esanu, director for strategic development at the Independent Journalism Center (CJI), said that the press is partially free because it is not economically independent. “The journalism is more courageous when one does not have to think how to make money for salaries. It’s impossible to develop based on grants only,” she stated, adding that the tabloidization and chase for sensations in the media arouse concerns. “More pressure should be exerted on the Government, the ruling alliance, the state institutions and on the way they are reformed. I hope the press will become more daring.” The head of the Journalistic Investigations Center Cornelia Cozonac considers that the press in Moldova is partly free despite the developments during the last three years. The press is more diversified and has better editorial policies. But there are many shortcomings. Access to public information is restricted. There are drawbacks in the legal system and the public institutions are not transparent. “Unfortunately, a media outlet can become bankrupt as a result of a trial. The journalists are summoned to court and a trial can lead to the bankruptcy of a paper,” said Cornelia Cozonac. She also said that the legislation should be amended so that the economic activity of the newspapers enables them to work. “The Government should give freedom to the papers and should regulate the advertising activity so that the press can earn money from advertisements and subscription.” The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed World Press Freedom Day on December 23, 1993, following a recommendation adopted at the twenty-sixth session of UNESCO’s General Conference in 1991. On the occasion of World Press Freedom Day, a number of media nongovernmental organizations will stage a series of events throughout May.