
President’s statement could lead to self-censorship and this is not wanted, comment


Ion Guzun, legal adviser of the Legal Resource Center of Moldova, said some of the politicians in our country use attacks against civil society in the pre-electoral period and during it. In the meeting of the EU – Moldova Civic Society Platform, commenting on the President’s recent statement that some of the forces from outside the country became more active and some of the NGOs are being financed, Ion Guzun said he would not like such messages to lead to self-censorship or to influence civil society to be less active, IPN reports.

According to the legal adviser, in a meeting of the Security and Intelligence Service Igor Dodon called on the SIS officers to prevent external interference in the upcoming presidential elections. Ion Guzun noted the phenomenon of attacks on the activity of civil society is not an isolated problem for Moldova and is rather a tendency in the countries of the region with a reduced level of democracy.

In the broad meeting of the SIS Board, President Igor Dodon said 2020 is a difficult year, also because it is an electoral one. The major challenge will derive from the attempts to destabilize the situation in the country by involving internal and external forces. He urged the Service’s employees not to allow eventual destabilization.