
President Voronin meets with Iuri Zubakov again


President Vladimir Voronin met on Wednesday, May 23 with deputy secretary of the Supreme Security Council of the Russian Federation, Iuri Zubakov. As reported by the Press Service of the Presidency, the collocutors continued the exchange of opinions on issues related to the present stage of bilateral relations, including on economic and trade cooperation, in the context of implementing the arrangements agreed on by President Vladimir Voronin and Vladimir Putin. In addition, according to the cited source, the two parties examined aspects related to the settlement of the Transnistrian conflict and the possibility of resuming the talks on the dispute. The head of state informed Zubakov during the meeting about the social-political situation in Moldova in light of the upcoming general local elections scheduled for June 3. Voronin has also referred to the recent initiatives on economy liberalisation and improvement of the investment climate. The last meeting between Vladimir Voronin and Iuri Zubakov took place on March 3, 2007. Back then, the Press Service of the Presidency informed that “during the meeting there were exchanged opinions regarding the current stage of Moldova-Russia relations and prospects of settling the Transnistrian dispute”. Other details were not publicised. Subsequently, an opposition MP stated that, during his last visit to Chisinau, Iuri Zubakov, deputy secretary of the Russian Security Council, put forward to Moldova’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration (MFAEI) certain proposals regarding the settlement of the Transnistrian dispute, similar to the Kozak Memorandum of 2003. Among the proposals forwarded by the Russian MFA official, the MP recalled the maintenance of Russian peacekeeping troops in Moldova, Chisinau’s acceptance of certain Russian guarantees for Transnistria’s status, recognition of illegal privatisations on the left bank of Nistru River. Also, according to the cited source, Moscow suggested that the agreement be signed by two parties, without involving OSCE, US and EU representatives. At the same time, the international press was also writing about the fact that Moldova has concluded a secret agreement with Russia on the future of Transnistria. According to EUObserver, the secret agreement would stipulate the reintegration of the separatist region into Moldova, grounding on a model which would allow Transnistria, controlled by Russia, the power to block the future decision of the Government in Chisinau and would maintain the Russian troops in Moldova for an undefined period. According to the plan, the president of Moldova would subsequently recognise the separatist government from Tiraspol, organise elections in Moldova and offer 20% of the parliamentary seats to the separatist leaders. For his part, US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasia David Kramer stated in Chisinau on April 27 that the Moldovan authorities, namely the head of state and the ministers of foreign affairs and reintegration gave assurances to the USA that they did not receive any official Russian plan on the settlement of the Transnistrian dispute.