
President Timofti urges people to be wise and keep calm


President of Moldova Nicolae Timofti is urging the citizens to keep their calm and be wise, since the relevant State institutions will promptly sanction the violations related to mass manifestations. “I trust your capacity to interpret these things wisely and rationally. Under my orders, from now on, all violations of the legal norms will be promptly sanctioned by the relevant institutions of the State”, reads an address published by the President’s press service. “Recently, certain political groups, led from the shadows or openly by Moldova’s hostile forces, have launched actions and statements that are on the boundary of the Constitution’s limits or even breach the legal norms. Certain politicians have instigated citizens towards civil disobedience, tried to change our national symbols with fake ones, sought local and national referendums on confusing topics, have manipulated social groups, including religious ones, to make them oppose the constitutional order”, says the document. The President refers to the fact that in different regions of the country in the last few weeks, “aggressive groups of people were gathered and dispatched to provoke social and political tension and, thus, destabilize the situation in the country. The print of the same authors is visible everywhere. The forces that lead these hostilities are bothered, in my opinion, by the fact that Moldova, for the first time in its 21 years of independence, has a real chance at joining the ranks of civilized European states. The changes that our country’s undergoes, and the unprecedented support from our western partners, are not received well by those political groups that want to keep Moldova in obscurity, or return it to a realm of uncertainty and fear, where human rights are only valid on paper, and people’s survival depends on the humiliations they would be forced to go through”, says the presidential address. The President urges all citizens, all political groups, and local and central authorities to act responsible in this situation, abstain from any activity that would eascalate the tension, and act in strict accordance with the country’s laws. “My advice is also addressed to the youth who choose to defend their rights by taking to the street. It is not the case to go back to barricades. We need calm in order to accomplish the European integration economic and political projects, which are much awaited by the citizens. The reforms that are unfolding can only be implemented through an institutional framework and in accordance with the Law, but not on the streets or in an extreme way. I trust your capacity to interpret these things with wisdom and rationality. Thank you”, concludes the address by President of the Republic of Moldova Nicolae Timofti.