
President Timofti: I feel my work is recognized by everyone


Nicolae Timofti says he is the President of all Moldovan citizens and doesn’t notice anyone to not recognize him as head of the state in his work. The statement was made at the Press Club meeting in Chisinau on Friday in answer to a question if his work was affected by the fact that some political forces don’t recognize the legality of his election, Info-Prim Neo reports. “From the moment I was officially elected as President, respecting all constitutional norms, I became everyone’s President and that’s what I wish: to work not for certain groups or individuals, but for everyone, according to the Constitution”, said Timofti. He added that if some people don’t recognize the validity of his election, it’s their option to do so. “In a democratic society, as we like to say, it’s normal. In this case, it’s hard for me to say if all the Communist voters don’t recognize me. I don’t feel during my work that somebody doesn’t recognize me. Even the politicians who say they don’t recognize me, in public address me as President, even abroad”, said Timofti, referring to an exchange of remarks he had with a Communist MP during the official meeting of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. Even when the President is elected directly by the people, half of the people vote against another candidate, explained Timofti. This doesn’t mean that the elected President mustn’t work for those who voted against him. Nicolae Timofti feels he is the President of all the citizens and the statements of a few that they don’t recognize him doesn’t hinder him from fulfilling his duties.