
President Sandu defines Russia as “major threat” in draft National Security Strategy


President Maia Sandu presented the draft of the National Security Strategy at the Supreme Security Council. One line of action is to increase investment and strengthen the defense and security sector. The document focuses on the gradual progress towards a peaceful settlement of the Transnistrian conflict. Another course of action concerns the development of security partnerships with the most developed and prosperous democratic countries of the world.

“The whole world is currently shaken by attacks that destroy the peace and order we have become accustomed to in recent decades. We are witnessing an inhumane war launched by Russia in Ukraine. We see bloody attacks on Israel and horrific violence against civilians. International treaties, recognized borders, human dignity - all are trampled underfoot by forces that want to bring violence and chaos to the world. We, here in Moldova, cannot pretend that these things do not concern us. If we ignore the harsh reality, it does not simply disappear”, the president declared in a press briefing.

According to Maia Sandu, Moldova must be on the side of those who promote peace and respect for internationally recognized borders. But Moldova can only protect its citizens by being part of the free world and in cooperation with the free world.

“Today, at the SSC, I presented the National Security Strategy project, which defines the threats to the country’s security and the directions of action we will take to ensure and strengthen national security, the security of every citizen. We will protect and ensure the safety of all citizens. Moldova must be able to protect its population, which means that we must treat national security more responsibly, more seriously and with more preparation than we have done in the last 30 years. We will create a strong and respected state”, says Maia Sandu.

The president says that Moldova wants to be in good relations with all countries. But Moldova cannot get along with those who wish it harm, who do not respect its choice and the people. “Today there are two great threats to national security: the aggressive policy pursued by the Russian Federation against the country and against peace in general, and the deep-rooted corruption in Moldova”.

The president declared that the European Union remains one of the basic pillars of security on the European continent. Our desire to join the EU aims at the modernization and economic development of Moldova, as well as the guarantee of comprehensive security - energy, cyber, informational and military - the security of all citizens of the country.

According to her, the strategic partnership with the United States of America is another key element of our national security. We will continue to expand and deepen this partnership to exploit its full potential. “Europe’s security is based on collaboration, collective effort and NATO. We will intensify the cooperation and interoperability with NATO and the member countries in order to strengthen the capacities of the National Army to protect the country and our citizens”, added Maia Sandu.

The draft National Security Strategy is presented for public consultation.