
Present personnel chart of Chisinau City Hall stipulates to transfer most duties of deputy mayors to interim mayor


The current organization chart of Chisinau City Hall stipulates to transfer the most part of deputy mayors’ duties to general mayor, held by Vasile Ursu at present. According to the document, only one of the four deputy mayors of the capital is responsible for a single division of the City Hall, while the other three deputy mayors have no municipal service under their subordination anymore. The present organization chart, voted by the Chisinau Municipal Council (CMC) and based on interim mayor Vasile Ursu’s proposal came into force recently, when it was published in “Chisinau Monitor” newspaper. According to it, the leadership of the 14 divisions within the City Hall is performed by interim mayor and secretary interim of CMC. Thus, Ursu is responsible for the authorization and discipline in constructions Division, Cabinet of general mayor, legal assistance Division, book keeping and economic analysis Division, foreign relations, regional cooperation and European integration Division, PR Division and HR Service. Secretary interim of the municipal Council, Nicolae Manastarli, is responsible for the local public administration Division, correspondence, petition and audience Division, administrative Division, control division, technologies and informational systems Division, Chisinau municipal archives Service. Only one of the deputy mayors, Petru Svet, takes charge of the social-humanitarian and interethnic relations Division. Earlier, most of these services were under the competence of the capitals’ deputy mayors, each of them being responsible for the fields as refitting and constructions, energetic sector, financial sources and budget accumulations, and social issues.