
Premier signs petition in support of Moldova’s entry into EU


Prime Minister Pavel Filip signed the petition in support of Moldova’s entry into the European Union that was launched by representatives of civil society within the campaign “Join Now”. “I came to sign this petition because I think that my example will be followed by other people of the Republic of Moldova, who will join in this appeal. I strongly believe that the Republic of Moldova will develop, including at economic level, only by maintaining its European course,” stated the Premier, IPN reports, quoting the Government’s press service.

The Premier noted that to build a prosperous and stable Moldova, the people need a common idea that would unite them and would ensure the country’s development. “There should be an idea around which the whole society would mobilize so that the people, alongside the Government and Parliament, move in the same direction. For the Republic of Moldova, this direction is the European integration,” said Pavel Filip.

He welcomed the initiation of the process of uniting society in support of the European integration process, saying the EU is an important partner for Moldova, while the entry into the European community implies public services of a high quality, developed infrastructure and better living conditions for the people. The Premier reiterated his call made at the start of this August – for the political forces and society to unite to guarantee the continuity of the country’s European development course.

The campaign “Join Now” is supported by a number of public associations and is aimed at informing the population about the benefits of the European integration, the results achieved in implementing the EU – Moldova Association Agreement and the opportunities created for each citizen apart. Ten information points in different parts of Moldova were set up within the campaign.