
Premier inspects state of levee in Dubasari


The state of the levee in Dubasari district of the Transnistrian region is satisfactory, Prime Minister Pavel Filip ascertained during an on-the-spot inspection, IPN reports. 

According to the Government’s press office, a sum of 600,000 lei was allocated for repairing and reinforcing the banks of the Nistru River. The works to rehabilitate the levee include the cleaning of the riverbed and the installation of concrete blocks.

The levee in Dubasari district is over 37 km long. It protects from floods an area of about 3,000 hectares in the villages Dorotskaya, Cosnita, Parata, and Pohrebea.

During the trip, the Prime Minister also visited the lyceum and kindergarten in Dorotskaya. Pavel Filip laid flowers at the Monument to Heroes killed in the war of 1992, which is located in Cosnita, and went to the district center for children and youth “Friendship”, where he inquired about the works to repair and organize the activity of the institution.