
Premier Filip in Bucharest: We want citizens not to feel they travel from one country to another


Prime Minister Pavel Filip said declaring oneself for the union is now a trend in Chisinau and many parties undertake this desideratum, but not only the statements ensure the rapprochement, but also concede projects. After the joint meeting of the Governments of Moldova and Romania that was held in Bucharest on November 22, Pavel Filip said the Republic of Moldova wants the rapprochement with Romania to take place through the interconnection of infrastructure in different areas, IPN reports.

“We want common integrated infrastructure. This rapprochement, this union should take place through the interconnection of infrastructure in different areas. We should integrate our transport, electronic communications and media systems and also the security, education and culture systems,” the Premier told a news conference. He added he wants the citizens to be able to speak on the phone without paying roaming charges. As a first symbolical step, it was decided that the citizens of the two states will not pay roaming charges on December 1, 2019.

Pavel Filip also referred to the project “Union Highway” –  the Târgu Mureș-Iași-Ungheni highway. Actions will be taken to build two new road bridges over the Prut, in Ungheni and in Grozești. The energy interconnection project and the building of the Ungheni-Chisinau gas pipeline brought important Romanian investments to Moldova.

The Premier noted that Romania is the main commercial partner of Moldova. Trade between the two countries this year rose by 30% on last year and exceeded US$ 1 billion. “We are two countries that exist in a common linguistic, cultural and values areas. In this connection, I reiterated that the entry into the European Union remains our only plan and our efforts in this regard will be stepped up, also because Romania will hold the presidency of the Council of the European Union soon,” he stated.

His Romanian counterpart Viorica Dăncilă said the fourth joint meeting of the Governments of Moldova and Romania was held in the centenary year and before the National Day of Romania. The discussions centered on the bilateral economic and commercial relations. “This offered us the opportunity to see how to stimulate the relations between Romania and Moldova, to have a sector approach to cooperation between the two states, to speak about concrete projects that we could implement and a roadmap with those in charge and to also see how we can accelerate the projects under implementation,” stated the Romanian Premier.

Viorica Dăncilă noted the signing of a number of agreements in different areas shows that important steps were taken starting with today and these steps should be continued. They also discussed the boosting of investment and the taking over of the presidency of the Council of the European Union by Romania on January 1, 2019. “We spoke about the reforms the Republic of Moldova should do and the affiliation of the Republic of Moldova with the European Union. Romania is ready to provide expertise and experts for these reforms and to support the Republic of Moldova on its pro-European path. We consider the pro-European path is the only solution for the Republic of Moldova and for the prosperity of the citizens of the Republic of Moldova,” said the official.