
PPSM calls on PCRM to support referendum


The Socialist People’s Party (PPSM) called upon the Communist Party (PCRM) to support the process of collecting signatures for holding a referendum on joining the Russia-Belarus-Kazakhstan Customs Union, Info-Prim Neo reports. In a news conference on June 6, PPSM chairman Victor Stepaniuc said the PCRM should abandon its selfish position that runs counter to the interests of about 60% of the country’s people who are in favor of Moldova joining this union. According to Victor Stepaniuc, the PCRM should renounce its excuse that it does not become involved in the process because it believes that the Alliance for European Integration will rig the referendum results. “I see no logic in the fear that the alliance may fix the results and simultaneously plead for early elections, whose outcome may also be rigged. They do not want to join in because of their vainglory,” said Victor Stepaniuc. He also said that the entry into the Russia-Belarus-Kazakhstan Customs Union is a purely economic initiative, not a political-economic one as the accession to the EU. As a result of this accession, Moldova may benefit from free access to the markets of the member states and from lower prices for electricity and gas – by 20% and 30% respectively,” Victor Stepaniuc stated. For the initiative on holding the referendum to reach Parliament, there should be collected at least 200,000 signatures in favor of it until July 18. The PPSM said that about 100,000 signatures have been collected so far.