
PPR urges the government to compensate populations’ expenses due to gas tariff increase


The Republican People’s Party (PPR) urges the government to compensate from the state coffers the expenses of every gas consumer, due to tariff increase, according to the party’s report. PPR considers that for the current tariffs a monthly compensation has to vary between 60-00 lei (about 5-8 dollars) per person, and in case if other tariff increases will follow, these compensations will also have to be increase. In neighbor countries, the state assumes, in a way or another, a part of the expenses due to increase of the price to gas, and only in RM the burden of these expenses is supported fully by the population, according to the communiqué. PPR warn the authorities that, in case of non-complying with the requirement on providing compensations for increased tariffs for gas consumption, it assumes the right to organize protest actions. Since February 17, the population with monthly gas consumption up to 30 cubic meter per person, pay 1,460 lei/1,000 cubic meters, compared to the old tariff of 1,080 lei/1,000 cubic meters. The population with monthly gas consumption higher than 30 cubic meters and other categories of consumers, including businessmen, pay 1,870 lei, compared to 1,360 lei. The price for natural gas increased starting anuary1 J due to increased price of gas exported from Russia, from 80 dollars to 110 dollars per 1,000 cubic meters.